Saturday, February 29, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 3i

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Greed (i): rapaciousness

Rapaciousness—now there’s a word
To raise a dire alarm,
For few things in this life of ours
Can cause a greater harm.

I picture someone—mad, insane—
Who drools with so much greed
That every single thing in life
Surrenders to this creed.

And such a person, so I think,
Will soon be overthrown—
By friends, by life, by circumstance—
And then will die alone.

Friday, February 28, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 3h

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Greed (e): mercenariness

I’ve read that mercenariness
Is on the rise so much with us.
We do things just for money—or
A little fame will do. We pour

All effort into public shows
Of all we own. And we attempt
To make sure everybody knows
That we are owners. Such contempt!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 3g

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Greed (g): greediness

The hunger we call greediness
Is one so hard to sate—
No matter what you do acquire,
Those passions don’t abate.

And then you need another thing—
The hunger rages on—
So when you look to see the date,
You find your life is gone.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 3f

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Greed (f): graspingness

Her graspingness alarmed her friends—
They worried for her very soul.
A trait like this just never ends—
When things comprise your only goal.

They held an intervention, and
She laughed so hard she had to cough.
“Oh, people, you don’t understand!”
And then she quickly bought them off.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 3e

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Greed (e): cupidity

I now condemn cupidity
Except, of course, for you and me.

I really love much money—wealth—
And I acquire it with much stealth.

Oh, I sneak here, and I sneak there,
Removing things with clever flair.

I’ll hack a bank account, of course,
And pick a pocket—subtle force.

And as for you? I’ve changed my mind.
All wealth’s for me—not for your kind!

Monday, February 24, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 3d

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Greed (d): covetousness

Yes, my covetousness had grown past normal bounds—
I now crave an estate; I crave horses and hounds.
And I think that a yacht would be awesome, don’t you?
I could sail all the seas—oh, yes, that’s what I’d do!

And in fact I believe (so my cravings have grown)
That I’d like to possess all the things that you own.
Oh, it’s not that I’m jealous—oh, no, I’m restrained.
It’s just owning all things is how I’m entertained!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 3c

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Greed (c): avidity

A strong surge of avidity
Surged through and motivated me.

I ran out to that Best Buy store—
Bought many things—then bought some more.

I took all home—but had no room—
And felt a thick’ning cloud of gloom.

Then—storage units!—what a thought!
A place for everything I’ve bought!

And now, of course (blush on my face),
I’ve filled each unit in that place!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 3b

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Greed (b): avarice

The avarice that I feel now
Is surging through me like a stream—
A racing one—a laser beam!
I really need a fat cash cow.

Oh, I just love a lot of stuff—
Like houses, clothes, and fancy cars—
And dates with slinky movie stars.
The funds I have? Oh, not enough!

Friday, February 21, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 3a

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Greed (a): acquisitiveness

See, acquisitiveness can be a such a bad trait—
For you care about things—yes, a thirst you can’t sate.

For just owning a thing can just never suffice,
So you keep buying things—and you don’t mind the price.

At the end of your life you have mountains of things,
But you never have felt what true happiness brings.

Oh, true happiness, yes—you’ll not know what you’ve lost—
For your soul’s been consumed by your things—oh, the cost!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

SIN-0-NYMS, 2c

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Gluttony (c): overindulgence

Yes, my overindulgence has had a great price—
And, for one thing, I’m no longer fit.
Yes, instead I just nap, then I find stuff to eat—
And my pants just this morning, well, split.

But I can’t seem to help it—this bingeing on food.
I just see a sweet treat and must eat.
But perhaps, down the road, with my sanity back,
I’ll return to fresh fruit and whole wheat!?

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 2b

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Gluttony (b): immoderation

Immoderation he displayed
Disgusted all the friends he’d made.

They watched him eat a mega-meal,
Inhale dessert—a major deal.

Then outside in the parking lot
He ate a Prius (which was not

The wisest thing he ever ate—
Despite its mileage—really great).

I saw him eat a boa—whole—
The finish with a barber’s pole.

Then he got eaten, head to toe.
He’d met up with a T-Rex, Yo!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 2a

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Gluttony (a): overeating

Your overeating has results—
Perhaps you’ll have a heart attack?
Perhaps you must endure insults?
(You love to bolt a big Big Mac!)

Of course, we’re “wired” to overeat—
It’s how ancestors stayed alive:
The starve-and-gorge (repeat, repeat).
Yes, nearly starve and then revive!

Monday, February 17, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 1e

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Envy (e): resentment

I felt resentment when she won
That prize that should, of course, been mine!
No way she’ll get a valentine—
No, not from me—no, nothing! None!

I earned that Nobel Prize—so why
Would they award the thing to her?
Oh, prizes are not what they were!
And I’m now a resentful guy!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 1d

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Envy (d): jealousy

It’s hard to smother jealousy
When it moves  through you endlessly—
At least, this has been true for me.

What made me jealous when a kid?
Oh, all those kids for all they did
Much better than I could. I slid

Into that fabled goo of green—
That all of you have prob’ly seen—
And so, at times, I was so mean.

But time went on—and I … matured—
Or so myself I so assured.
But I can’t say that I was cured!

For one day, when this guy in class
Was … never mind.

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Envy (c): invidiousness

Oh, his worst quality was invidiousness
Jim was jealous of everyone—jealous of us!

And this envy was deep—yes, as deep as the sea—
And the whole thing got worse—it was insanity!

Then the dude won the Lotto—such good news for Jim—
And so all of the rest of us now envied him!

Friday, February 14, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 1b

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Envy (b): green-eyed monster*

The green-eyed monster visited
Othello, fatally.
Poor Desdemona learned too late
How rough a guy can be.

And later, learning his mistake,
Othello took his knife:
A stab, some final words, and then—
An end to his sad life.

*Iago utters this phrase in Othello (3.3).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS, 1a

Lines Based on Synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins
SEVEN DEADLY SINS: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Envy (a): covetousness

Oh, your covetousness you now wear like a coat—
And the whole world can see it—it’s nothing remote.

See, I know that you want everything that I own—
From my house to my car to my wife to my phone.

(I would not ever—ever—surrender my phone,
But it showed I was eager—yes, that was my tone!)

So, well, anyway, friend, what I own is now yours—
For all things evanesce, but a friendship endures!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

SIN-o-NYMS: The Beginning

A new series based on synonyms for the Seven Deadly Sins: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath

Before We Begin

So before we begin our verse journey to Sin,
I should say a few words in defense
Of myselfI’m not bad but just curious, see,
And I hope that this makes perfect sense.

We will journey through sins—yes, the deadliest ones--
All the ones that can ruin your nights—
And each day I will write some ridiculous lines
About wrongs and (of course) about rights.

And I hope that you find this amusing—not strange—
And I hope that you’ll journey with me
Through the bad things we seem so determined to do—
Oh, the failures of humanity!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Junior Words: The End

A High School Teacher’s Final List


We’ve traveled down a wordy road
By which we did explore
The vocab words I used to teach—
I trust it was no bore.

For me, it brought back memories
Of times I much enjoyed—
And memories are one good way
That all of us stay buoyed.

But now it’s time we must move on—
Some other plans now reign—
And in my next post I’ll present
Some verses to explain.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Junior Words, 100

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #20: (i) craven, (j) blandishment

He was a craven—not a doubt
(He knew what fear was all about.)
And not a single blandishment
Could make that craven cur repent.

And so he hid throughout his days—
Would not abandon milquetoast ways.
Until he finally faced a threat—
And didn’t even break a sweat!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Junior Words, 99

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #20: (g) arcane, (h) mollify

Your reasons sound a bit arcane
For why you want to mollify
That bully on the playground. Why
Must you do this? It sounds insane!

To mollify a bully makes
That bully much more dangerous—
To you, to me, to all of us!
This is among your worst mistakes!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Junior Words, 98

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #20: (e) antediluvian, (f) irascible

And so Noah—in antediluvian days—
Was irascible often in all sorts of ways.

See, he loved the sweet sound of the rain on the land—
And it didn’t come often enough—was this planned?

But then one day he heard that most worrisome voice,
And he then had to build, for he hadn’t a choice.

Soon he’d built that huge ark—and the animals came—
And the world as he’d known it was never the same.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Junior Words, 97

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #20: (c) fecund, (d) fustian

His best ideas were fecund, so
He shared them with the world, you know?

But fustian writers ruined all
With bloated language (no words small).

And so his fecund thoughts just died—
Yes, killed by prose not clarified.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Junior Words, 96

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #20: (a) exacerbate, (b) execrable

Oh, you know—don’t you know?—that it’s execrable
To revert to your simian state?
It’s a way you alarm all your family and friends—
And a way to exacerbate*

All the problems you have in your world and your life—
Oh, the heartache! The headache and such!
So it’s better by far, if you listen to me,
Not to act like a monkey too much!

*the rhythm of this line ain’t right, I know

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Junior Words, 95

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #19: (i) soporific, (j) enervated

“That teacher’s soporific, Yo.
And I feel enervated when
At last it’s over—time to go.
How can I go to class again?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” his friend replied.
“He’s really not a boring creep.
Besides—in class I havent died—
I really have just gone to sleep!”

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Junior Words, 94

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #19: (g) recondite, (h) sedulous

If you are always sedulous,
You won’t need to be recondite.
You’ll get your work done—little fuss—
And folks will fathom what you write.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Junior Words, 93

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #19: (e) exiguous, (f) propitious

The evidence? Exiguous.
The witnesses? Not one.
The signs are not propitious for
Forgiving what you’ve done.

So—were I you?—I’d move away—
And I would do it soon.
The cops, I’ve heard, are on the way
And then, for you, high noon!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Junior Words, 92

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #19: (c) malediction, (d) rictus

Your malediction must have worked,
For I am lying dead.
You see my rictus? Its your fault
That bullet’s in my head.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Junior Words, 91

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #19: (a) encomium, (b) inscrutable

Don’t wait for an encomium
For it perhaps might never come.

And not to be inscrutable
But sometimes when your plate is full,

Some others just cannot bring praise—
But they’ll rebuke your leaner days.