Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Junior Words, 59

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #12: (g) penurious, (h) impious

Penurious—that’s what I was.
And all of it was just because
I was a teacher.

I know this may sound impious
But maybe I’d have more success
Like as a preacher?

Monday, December 30, 2019

Junior Words, 58

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #12: (e) stolid, (f) descry

His stolid presence seemed to say,
“I’m so reliable.”
But I was able to descry
That he was full of bull.

He was a fraud, from toe to head—
And back again to toe.
So I devoted all my skill
To letting people know.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Junior Words, 57

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #12: (c) toady, (d) quixotic

The toady was a mighty bore—
He bored me right down to the core.

I set then a quixotic task:
Dispose of Toady—do not ask

About my methods, harsh and cruel—
Suffice to say: I used some fuel.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Junior Words, 56

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #12: (a) disdain, (b) cryptic

I can’t believe you still disdain
So many things we celebrate—
A Christmas tree, a candy cane,
The presents that can captivate.

But you remain so cryptic we
Are not sure of the central source
Of all your animosity—
Unless you’re old E. Scrooge, of course!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Junior Words, 55

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #11: (i) sanguine, (j) wheedle

You can’t be sanguine in your life
If you do what you do—
You wheedle and you gripe and whine
Until your face is blue.

So read a clever book—or see
A film that makes you laugh
So hard that in your front-row seat
You give birth to a calf!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Junior Words, 54

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #11: (g) non sequitur, (h) jaded

Yes, that is a non sequitur
So obvious to him and her.

Perhaps I’m jaded—maybe not—
But lately my most common thought

Is that all logic’s disappeared—
And that’s a worry—must be feared.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Junior Words, 53

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #11: (e) protocol, (f) diffident

I know you don’t like protocol
It doesn’t please you much at all.

But you need not be diffident
Just speak up—tell us what you meant.

And there’s no need to raise your hand—
You’re not in Kindergarten Land!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Junior Words, 52

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #11: (c) indolent, (d) dreadnought

You can’t be indolent and serve
Upon a dreadought, so
Just get your act together, and
You’ll be sailor, Yo!

Contrariwise, you could just keep
On doing what you do,
But then you’ll surely walk the plank—
Then sharks will dine on you!

Monday, December 23, 2019

Junior Words, 51

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #11: (a) simper, (b) pinion

Don’t simper, fool! It will not play—
I deal with fools most every day.

And, yes, I’ve pinioned you—big deal!
And, yes, I know that it must feel

As if you’re being punished. Well
That’s what it’s all about in Hell!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Junior Words, 50

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #10: (i) hauteur, (j) strident

I have to say that your hauteur
Is not a quality
That will endear you to those folks
Who work with you—like me.

You can be strident—arrogant—
You can be so perverse.
It’s hard to picture anyone
Who really could be worse.

And so—just mellow out, my friend.
(I use “friend” loosely here.)
You have a lot of talents, so
Don’t be so cavalier.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Junior Words, 49

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #10: (g) fractious, (h) supercilious

The fractious students ruled the class—
And every sort of kid was there,
From supercilious to ass—
From jungle cat to grizzly bear—

From dangerous to potty mouth—
From insecure to much abused—
From east to west, from north to south—
From brilliant to so much confused.

And there I was—a rookie, scared—
Now facing what I’d feared at night.
And so I stood there, blankly stared,
Then changed careers because of fright.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Junior Words, 48

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #10: (e) arrant, (f) egregious

Perhaps you’re not an arrant fool—
Perhaps you’re really kinda cool—
Perhaps you’re an egregious dork—
Perhaps your prom date was a stork—
Perhaps—no, really—you’re my friend—
And all your problems you’ll transcend—
And I’ll be better—due to you—
I hope you feel the same way, too.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Junior Words, 47

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #10: (c) purloin, (d) procrustean

Because you’re so procrustean
And will not change your ways—
I have decided, as of now,
To purloin (yes, it pays!)

The little things that lie around
In your apartment, Sam.
So if you’re thinking, “He’s the thief!”
Well, yes, dear Sam, I am.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Junior Words, 46

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #10: (a) nonce, (b) vociferate

Just for the nonce I think that I
Will just vociferate.
For that, it seems, is what’s replaced
Both logic and debate.

Debate is simply shouting now—
And logic? Oh, it died
And now is buried with all fact …
Democracy’s now fried?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Junior Words, 45

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #9: (i) pertinacity, (j) acumen

Your sullen pertinacity
Surprises folks—surprises me.

For I believe acumen ought
To reign instead—so I’ve been taught.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Junior Words, 44

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #9: (g) turgid, (h) apothegm

I’ve read a lot of turgid prose—
So much of it (a reader knows).

Tired apothegm to drear cliché—
That sticky stuff should go away!

So, writers, keep it fresh—oh, please!
I’m begging on my creaky knees.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Junior Words, 43

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #9: (e) gibbet, (f) tincture

They let him to the gibbet, where
He’d soon be swinging in the air.

A tincture in his face of green—
A look the crowd had often seen

On men who did their hanging thing—
Where in the air, they’d swing, swing, swing!

But then—reprieve!—so many cheers. 
And off they went for pizza, beers.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Junior Words, 42

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #9: (c) evince, (d) tractable

If you were just more tractable,
I think you would evince
A bit of human modesty—
But if I can’t convince

You to display some kindness and,
Perhaps, humility,
I’ll just buy you a ticket for
A ship that sails the sea

A voyage that (oh, Ill make sure)
Will never, never end.
So my advice to you today:
Be modest, my old friend!

Friday, December 13, 2019

Junior Words, 41

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #9: (a) panegyric, (b) pecuniary

The panegyric he composed
Was for pecuniary gain.
Or so, at least, we all supposed
When he went out and bought a plane.

And with that plane he flew around,
Dropped money to the folks below,
Who battled all along the ground
For bucks, they hoped, would always flow.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Junior Words, 40

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #8: (i) prepossessing, (j) vagary

You have a prepossessing face—
While mine, of course, is a disgrace.

Vagaries of this life and time
Produced both you and me. And I’m

Not satisfied that all is fair—
But many people just don’t care.

They figure if they’ve surged ahead,
It’s all because of talent. Bred

As they were (silver spoons and all),
They make “less fortunate” seem small.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Junior Words, 39

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #8: (g) Gordian knot, (h) disinterested

And I felt that it was such a Gordian knot.
Though I knew I should be a disinterested judge,
I could feel all the facts give a bit of a nudge.
Still, I tried to do right—which is what I’d been taught.

So I settled the case with some head and some heart—
Though the plaintiffs were angry and threatened me so.
But I stuck to my ruling—stayed careful to go
On my errands in town with a cop—I was smart!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Junior Words, 38

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #8: (e) blithe, (f) quotidian

My quotidian tasks are both awful and fun,
But I still do them all—to the very last one.

You can not be so blithe about tasks you must do—
For each failure, of course, is a failure for you.

Still, it would be so nice if you woke up and yawned
And did all of your tasks with the wave of a wand!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Junior Words, 37

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #8: (c) obtrude, (d) veracity

Of course, I know veracity
Is principal with you and me—
And though I don’t wish to obtrude:
When did you take to lying, dude?

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Junior Words, 36

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #8: (a) menial, (b) incipient

There were times when I felt that my menial job
Was so awful I thought that I just ought to rob
A bank.

An incipient crisis now formed in my life.
I discussed it, of course, with my criminal wife:
Hopes sank.

For she told me that day that she’d long been a cop—
And my criminal hopes now just had, well, to stop—
It stank.

So I grieved and I groused and I sat in my car—
Or I drove down the road to my favorite bar—
And drank.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Junior Words, 35

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #7: (i) somnambulist, (j) punctilio

The sad somnambulist woke up
And found himself in bright Times Square.
He held a peanut butter cup,
Then took a bite (he didn’t share).

Ignoring this punctilio
This sharing things with other folk—
Would later cause him heavy woe,
For no one thought it was a joke.

And so they ostracized the dude—
They didn’t give him help that day.
And so he learned not to be rude—
Not if he wished to find his way


Friday, December 6, 2019

Junior Words, 34

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #7: (g) saturnine, (h) splenetic

There’s no point feeling saturnine
I’m sure that things will work out fine.

Sure, you were so splenetic then—
That day when you commenced to sin

By poisoning your neighbors’ tree
Because its limbs (as all could see)

Were dropping gunk into your yard.
But jail, you’ll find, is not that hard!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Junior Words, 33

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #7: (e) portent, (f) atelier

So one day in my atelier
I saw a portent in the air.
Outside it was a sunny day,
But then it was I saw a pair

Of ravens by the window glass.
And I was startled to the core.
Before I felt a moment pass,
Those ravens, both, quoth, “Nevermore!”

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Junior Words, 32

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #7: (c) necromancy, (d) fie

Don’t toy with necromancy, for
You’ll soon be screaming, “Fie!
Perhaps you’ll want to join the ghosts—
And hurry up to die.

And that would be a loss for us—
Well, most of us, at least.
Still, there are always those who are
Just thrilled if we’re deceased.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Junior Words, 31

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #7: (a) hoary, (b) probity

Stan lowered his poor hoary head—
And felt himself fill up with dread.
All the corruption he could see—
A challenge to his probity.

But Stan resolved to do what’s right—
The human side of this long fight.
So he reported all the crooks
Who’d cooked the firm’s financial books.

And his reward? No need to guess.
Not one of them would dare confess—
Instead, they passed the blame to Stan,
Who then became a broken man.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Junior Words, 30

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #6: (i) denizen, (j) choleric

If you’re a denizen of Rome—
You live somewhere that rhymes with home.

If you live, oh, in Timbuktu,
Then you must have, well, quite a view.

And if you live in Portland, Son—
Don’t people ask you, “Hey, which one?”

And if you live Paris, France,
You prob’ly know ’bout art and dance.

Now, don’t get choleric, my friend—
Unpleasant poems reach their end.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Junior Words, 29

A High School Teacher’s Final List

List #6: (g) harrow, (h) effluence

That book will always harrow me—
Its effluence of fear.
So when I see that book, well, I
Just don’t go very near.

What is the book? Well, here’s the truth—
And truth will always sing!—
It is just any of the books
That came from Stephen King!