Monday, September 26, 2016

Sound and Sense, 2-26

Time for more instances of the homophone: a word pronounced the same as another but differing in meaning, whether spelled the same way or not, as heir and air.

1. knead (verb): to prepare dough by pressing a mixture of flour, water, etc., with your hands
2. kneed (verb): past tense of knee (verb): to hit a person with your knee
3. need (verb): to be in a condition or situation in which you must have something: to require something; (noun): a situation in which someone or something must do or have something

Yes, every guy has got the need
But it can cool when you get kneed.
So better off to mix and knead
Or ride your old velocipede
Or read a bit of Adam Bede
Or drink some flagons of some mead
Or buy a brand new suit of tweed
Than have to stand in court and plead
Your innocence. For then you’ll need
A lawyer who must needs succeed—
Or you’ll be jailed until you’re freed
For your most heinous, thoughtless deed.

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