Thursday, May 9, 2019

Show Me the Place, 39

“Show me the place.”
Duke Senior in As You Like It (2.1)

39: Western Reserve Academy; Hudson, Ohio; 2001–2011

Retired—but only for a while.
Four years flowed quickly by.
And then one day I smiled a smile—
Returned to teaching—what a guy!

“A year or two”—that’s what I said
To Joyce and others who inquired.
Ten years flew by in heart and head,
And I looked up, read “Time Expired.”

I loved the years I’d given there—
The students, classes, colleagues, too.
Taught Hamlet and much other fare—
And so much I won’t get into.

But then my health said, “That’s enough!”
And so I ended it again.
Slipped off into some times more rough—
On ice that’s been so brittle, thin.

2011 writer Dan Chaon with my class and me

1 comment:

  1. The Golden Age! You first arrived just a couple of years into my time as a student. You returned a couple years into my "career" as a teacher. So for me, you ARE Reserve. It's not been the same without you. One of the great honors in my life is to have been your student, colleague, and (dare I say) friend.
