Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sound and Sense, 2-90

Time for more instances of the homophone: a word pronounced the same as another but differing in meaning, whether spelled the same way or not, as heir and air.

1. knot (noun): an interlacement of the parts of one or more flexible bodies forming a limb or knob; the lump or knob so formed; something hard to solve (a problem); a bond of union; a cluster of persons or things; etc.; (verb): to tie a section of rope, string, etc.; to make the score of a game tied or equal; etc.
2. not (adv.): used to form the negative of modal verbs and other parts of speech;  used humorously at the end of a positive statement to show that you really meant the opposite

“I do not like you”—so she said
And flipped her hair upon her head.
And so I promptly made her dead …

I tied a knot with that thick rope—
And found a guy—he had no hope!
I hanged the guy, that stupid dope …

BOSS: “It is a problem—such a knot
That all of us, I fear, have got.”
So stupid! So I aimed and shot …

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