Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Sound and Sense, 2-62

Time for more instances of the homophone: a word pronounced the same as another but differing in meaning, whether spelled the same way or not, as heir and air.

1. mews (noun): a place for hiding or retirement; a small gull;  (verb): 3rd personal singular of mew—to utter a mew or similar sound (like a cute little fuzzy kitty!)
2. muse (noun): any of nine sister goddesses in Greek mythology presiding over song and poetry and the arts and sciences; a source of inspiration; (verb): to think or say something in a thoughtful way; etc.

I sat down with that special Muse
The one for poetry.
Euterpe is her given name,
But “Terpie” works for me.

She gave me such profound advice—
But was I glad for it?
I mused about the Muse’s words
She said, “You oughta quit.”

I moved into a nearby mews
But quit! Oh, I refuse!
I found a wayward kittie, who
Delighted me with mews.

But a translation of those sounds
Just nearly caused a fit:
The kittie’d said (about my verse):
“You really oughta quit!”

Two mews flew overhead just then
My mood was dark a bit.
And both of them so clearly cried:
"You really oughta quit!"

I tried to muse about their words—
About their dark advice.
I came to this conclusion then:
Advisers are not nice! 

So I kept writing, writing on—
My notebooks, very full.
I simply can not live (I muse)
Without my doggerel!

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