Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Show Me the Place, 15

“Show me the place.”
Duke Senior in As You Like It (2.1)

16: The Old Hiram College Gym; Hiram, Ohio

That gym lay in the bowels of
A building (Hayden Hall), where we
On Sunday nights could go to see
A movie. Much as I do love

A movie, it was basketball
That made me so fond of that gym.
Sometimes—the movie done—we’d all
(My friends and I) sneak down the hall,

And down the stairs, flip on the light,
And play some ball until—we’re caught!—
A janitor would come. We fought
To stay (but always lost). The night

Awaited us outside, so we
Went home—but dreamed of shots that won
The game. (Oh, boyhood was such fun!)
And wake up—kids again—carefree.

couldn't find a gym pic--it's gone, converted to office space--
but it was in this building, lower level

1 comment:

  1. wow. I never knew there to be a gym there. my favorite part of the building was the costume chamber.
