Sunday, November 11, 2018

Namely, 32


eponyms (EP-uh-nimz)

words based on or derived from a person's name.
First Known Use: mid-19th century

“What’s in a Name?”
Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, 2.2­­

32: sandwich: two slices of bread with some other food between them, such as meat, cheese or peanut butter (from John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, 1718–1792, who claimed he invented the “sandwich”; first known use of word, 1762)

You feel you’d like a sandwich soon?
Some peanut butter with some jam?
Or cheese—perhaps a slice of ham?
So make your mind up—almost noon!

The Earl said he invented it—
So must we just accept his word?
(Among the dumber things I’ve heard!)
I think the Earl was full of —*

*I can’t think of a word to rhyme with it.